Park Rapids
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The Forest Riders Snowmobile Club wishes to express our appreciation to the business & club contributors for their generous support! The businesses listed on this page support our club & the sport of snowmobiling by purchasing an ad space on our trail map and/or sponsoring a portion of the trail system through the club's Sponsor-a-Trail project.  For more information on a business, click on the link shown with their contact information or on their ad in the Trail Map Business Ads section. Please support these businesses!!

SPONSOR-A-TRAIL BUSINESSES (► indicates the # of miles sponsored)

Affinity Real Estate Inc. 	    Clancy's at Vacationaire           C'mon Inn
► 1 Mile                            ► 1 Mile                           ► 1 Mile 
600 Park Avenue S		    26333 Icon Drive                   1009 First Street E
Park Rapids, MN 56470	            Park Rapids, MN 56470              Park Rapids, MN 56470
218-237-3333		            218-732-5270                       800-258-6891/218-732-1471
AffinityRealEstate.com              Vacationaire.com                   CmonInn.com
Facebook                            Facebook                           Facebook

Dorset Corner Liquor	            Emmaville Inn                      Ice Cracking Lodge
► 1 Mile                            ► 1 Mile                           ► 1 Mile 
19873 Expedition Drive	            28021 County Road 4                30389 County Highway 35 
Park Rapids, MN 56470	            Park Rapids, MN 56470              Ponsford, MN 56575 
218-732-1770                        218-732-8544                       218-573-3631 
Facebook                            EmmavilleInn.com                   IceCracking.com
                                    Facebook                           Facebook

Knob & Kettle Restaurant            Lobo's Bar & Grill		       Northview Bank
► 1 Mile                            ► 2 Miles                          ► 1 Mile  
35200 US Highway 71	            28453 State Highway 200	       200 First Street E
Laporte, MN 56461		    Park Rapids, MN 56470	       Park Rapids, MN 56470 
218-699-3403		            218-266-3611	               218-732-3366
Facebook                            Lobos.com                          NorthviewBank.com 
                                    Facebook                           Facebook

Pine Cone Lodge	                    Royal Bar                          Simonson Station Store
► 1 Mile                            ► 1 Mile                           ► 10 Miles
19703 Grouse Road	            120 Main Avenue S                  100 Main Ave N
Park Rapids, MN 56470	            Park Rapids, MN 56470              Park Rapids, MN 56470 
320-491-6952	                    218-732-9443                       218-732-7232 
PineConeLodge.info                  Facebook                           GoSimonson.com
Facebook                                                               Facebook

Smokey Hills Outdoor Store          Spike's                            T&M Express-Akeley
► 1 Mile                            ► 1 Mile                           ► 1 Mile          
19143 US Highway 71 N               31701 US Highway 71                85 Broadway Street W               
Park Rapids, MN 56470               Park Rapids, MN 56470              Akeley, MN 56433                  
218-237-5099                        218-699-3222                       218-652-3676                       
SmokeyHills.com                     Facebook
T&M Express-Nevis                   T&M Express-Park Rapids            Thelen's Excavating Inc.
► 1 Mile                            ► 1 Mile                           ► 1 Mile             
116 Bunyan Trails Drive             1104 First Street E                32996 County Road 135              
Nevis, MN 56467                     Park Rapids, MN 56470              Park Rapids, MN 56470              
218-652-3115                        218-732-8853                       218-732-0015                       
Up North Power & Sports             Warmbold, Aaron & Tucker           71 Bottles
► 5 Miles                           ► 1 Mile                           ► 2 Miles
18884 Eagle Bend Road               Park Rapids, MN 56470              19866 US-71
Park Rapids, MN 56470                                                  Park Rapids, MN 56470
218-237-5670                                                           218-237-2739
UpNorthPower&Sports.com                                                71bottles.com
Facebook                                                               Facebook

TRAIL MAP BUSINESS ADS: new trail maps are available at all of the participating businesses.